These readings placed heavy emphasis on the importance of two things: internships and Twitter.  The former is something that I’d always held in high esteem.  Internships are the key to the professional world - they earn you experience, connections, and often lead to jobs even if not directly.  The latter, however, I had my doubts about.  I’ve always known Twitter to be a popular social networking site, but not much more than that.  I’ve seen friends tweet about lovers, funny news stories and pictures of cars.  I’ve seen memes, cat pictures and rage comics.  But not once had I ever seen an internship opportunity posted on Twitter. 

 I suspected that this was because Twitter could only be used for what I had seen, nonsensical friendly banter.  This is not the case though.  Twitter is actually an incredible professional tool if you use it correctly.  The readings suggest that you first follow your favorite companies, something I hadn’t done.  After that, you should engage with them, retweeting their tweets and even asking questions.  Sometimes you’ll see internship opportunities pop up, and other times you can even reach out to a company spokesperson over Twitter inquiring about such opportunities yourself.  Electronic interaction is becoming an increasingly important facet of our professional world.  In fact, there is even a such thing as virtual internships, where one literally does not even have to interact with the business in person, but rather conducts all affairs electronically.  To me this is incredible, and it’s an optimistic indication that our times are changing for the better.  I plan to be much more aggressive about my involvement in Twitter and other networking sites professionally, and hopefully I can land an internship as a result.

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