After this week’s readings graduate school is becoming a much more real possibility for me.  I had never really considered going - I’ve found that I have lost much of my enthusiasm for continuing education, I suppose I feel like I am ready to get a high-paying job and enter the workforce now.  However, graduate school makes job possibilities much more realistic.  According to the “Why Graduate School?” article, graduates typically make about $10,000 more annually with every degree they have.  Starting at an average of $42,000 a year, this jumps to $52,000 with an M.A.  In today’s economy, it such an increase in annual income is hard to resist.  And in today’s competitive job market, having a higher degree opens up exponentially more job possibilities, the value of which cannot be understated. 
 My particular fields of interest consist of any mixture of technology and writing.  Things such as online content editing, web-based product reviews, etc. are the most appealing career options for me.  Initially I hadn’t really considered a graduate program because I wasn’t exactly sure where my interests would fit in.  But after browsing the programs on New Pages, I see that my options for a graduate program are much more realistic than I originally anticipated, even here at Rowan University.  This week’s readings make a convincing case for the importance of graduate programs and higher educational degrees, and given the current competitive nature of the job market I will very seriously reconsider my educational future.

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